unzip me (les suprêmes / the supremes at earl's all-you-can-eat) +1

Feel Good Inc, Gorillaz

Anna Valenn aime les +1ers romans
The highlight of the mural is the sexiest picture of Jesus you’ve ever seen. He has high cheekbones and curly jet-black hair. His bronzed, outstretched arms bulge with muscles and He has the firm stomach of a Brazilian underwear model. His mouth seems to be blowing kisses to the congregation and His crown of thorns is tilted so He has a Frank Sinatra cool about Him. It all comes together in a way that makes you wonder if Jesus is about to ask you to join the church or to run outside for a game of beach volleyball with Him and a dozen of His hot biblical friends.

The Supremes at Earl's All-You-Can-Eat, Edward Kelsey Moore / Les Suprêmes traduit de l'américain par Cloé Tralci avec la collaboration d'Emmanuelle et de 
Philippe Aronson publié chez Actes Sud, et en Babel  Premier roman  d'Edward Kelsey Moore qui a le grand talent de traiter de sujets douloureux - ici : le cancer, l'infidélité chronique, le racisme violent, l'enfance battue - de manière chaleureuse et porteuse d'espérance. Une lecture distrayante de qualité.